Web Warrior Marketing
Has your business joined the masses in setting up a Facebook and/or Twitter page as a way of communicating with your current clients…as well as a way of attracting potential clients?
Here are 3 Social Media Marketing Tips from Web Warrior Marketing!
1. Make a “Personal” Connection: You want to come across as a person…hence why it is called “social” networking. If you take an impersonal approach, you risk sounding too corporate and stiff. Consider celebrities – people love to follow celebrities because in most cases, they are tweeting directly to their fans. This is also why in most cases when an assistant of a celebrity is tweeting instead of the celebrity, people can tell…and this essentially loses the whole effect and interest of following the celeb in the first place.
2. Listen to Your Followers: Don’t take this great opportunity to truly LISTEN to your followers for granted. This is your chance to build and strengthen customer loyalty. Answer their questions, acknowledge their comments (GOOD or BAD), ask them for feedback, engage them. If they are already following you, they are your fans…this is your chance to wow them and make them feel you appreciate their business & opinions.
3. Practice Makes Perfect: These things take time. Time to get used to establishing your company “voice”…time to gain followers…time to gain momentum. You are already a step ahead just being involved. Stay committed, persevere, and reap the benefits.
And a bonus for your efforts in social networking? It was recently announced that social media is used as a ranking factor by search engines Google & Bing. That is a good motivator in itself to get started if you haven’t already…and stick to it! What are you waiting for?
In addition to social networking, if you have a website, you definitely need SEO services (search engine optimization) to get found online via keyword phrases relevant to your type of business & location. Contact Web Warrior Marketing now for a FREE consultation as to how we can drive more traffic to your website.
Web Warrior Marketing
SEO Vancouver – We help clients throughout Canada & the USA