It seems like forever ago that the 2010 Olympic Winter Games were awarded to Vancouver…and now that day is just one month away! Our city will be hosting the games from February 12-28…with events taking place right here in Vancouver, as well as in Whistler.
There is a very exciting feeling in the air, but then like with everything else, there are always the people who are focusing on traffic problems and chaos that such a worldly event will bring. This is a once in a lifetime experience that will be on for ONLY 2 weeks – and should be embraced and welcomed with open arms. Many cities throughout the world could only dream of being a part of such an event – so this is a time when the glass should not only be seen as half-full as the optimist would, but instead, over-flowing!
Even if you are not able to attend any events, just being a part of the energy will be beyond memorable. This is our chance to show the world why Vancouver is continually voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Let’s also show them that the people who live here match the beauty of the city.
And, inbetween watching the events on TV or participating in the action downtown, check out our website – Web Warrior Marketing – Vancouver SEO Services. You don’t need to be an athlete to win a gold medal so to speak – you can win a gold medal for your company by wisely investing in website promotion services to get more visitors, which will equate to increased sales for your business. Simply request a FREE website consultation on the contact page of our website. We look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy the games!
Web Warrior Marketing
SEO Vancouver
Vancouver Website Marketing