As soon as someone hears the phrase “New Year’s Resolution” there is a cringe in the air as everyone thinks of dieting and cutting themselves off from the marvelous world of carbs. Is anyone still following Dr. Atkins and eating eggs and bacon for dinner in hopes of getting skinny?
Well, luckily we aren’t talking diets – we’re talking SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your website. Start 2010 off right with increased website traffic and boost your sales! Along with the New Year, change things up a bit with your marketing budget. If your marketing dollars are limited, don’t spend it all on magazine or newspaper advertising. Instead, feed your website – promote it and get it found in the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!
Ask 10 of your friends with online access if they have used the Internet – or – some form of print advertising to find the last product or service they were looking for. We can pretty much guarantee that the majority (if not all) will be pro-Internet!
So rather than starve your website in 2010, start the New Year off right and fuel it with search engine optimization services. Contact our Vancouver SEO company for a no-strings, FREE website consultation – we’ll let you know how we can help you start getting more visitors to your website with our SEO services. Your website is working for you 24/7…nourish it!