Collecting “likes” on Facebook can be trying (some industries such as restaurants and stores have it a bit easier)…but even if you have limited followers, don’t treat them as if they aren’t important until you have more followers.
Post regular content on your page. This doesn’t mean to bombard with endless posts, but be active.
Think of these “likes” as a new sales opportunity:
– Post information about your products and services
– Let people know about upcoming and current promotions
– Share business information
– Ask for reviews or encourage referrals
– Offer a discount
– Tell people to “SHARE” a particular post to win a prize (choose from all of the people who shared, as you can track this on Facebook). This can result in a ripple effect (they “share”… then their friends “share” and so on…which can then also initiate more “likes” of your page from people who wouldn’t normally have come across your Facebook page otherwise.)
Make offers compelling enough to share…a 5% discount probably won’t cut it. Be creative.
This is instant advertising and promotion for you…and best of all it’s FREE!
For search engine optimization services, please contact our Vancouver SEO company for a FREE proposal as to how we can drive more traffic to your website! We help clients in Canada & the USA.